Class, not crass

There is always a choice. In life, making the right choice is a fundamental determinant of the way forward. With career or life – we must make choices and decisions every day.
I’m concerned about some leaders who have shaped the state of the world today. Where it’s okay to insult people, and to mock the way they look. Where it’s fine to be blatantly evil and vile in the same breath, constantly, unashamedly, for all the world to see.
Where those who profess to a religion condone the most unreligious behaviour. They quote verses from religious books. They pray daily, some professing to abide by commandments like “Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself”. Yet, insanely, they support grouping people into divisive social classes, encouraging hatred of those who aren’t like them. And apparently, it’s alright to be immoral, to steal, commit adultery, and to lie unscrupulously.
Many find it acceptable for leaders to spew hatred and lies, choosing to ignore these actions - for their own benefit.
Shockingly, some choose to believe these vile things aren’t really happening. They turn a blind eye to the most disturbing, wicked deeds.
But is it right to overlook the iniquities of those who claim to be leaders, just for personal gain? Are we so selfish that we don’t care about, and don’t want to share, with others? What happened to decency and respect?
Name-calling based on how people look, speak or act was called bullying. So how is it okay for leaders to do it? Are we normalizing such behaviour by supporting crooks and liars? Ignoring the evidence and choosing to promote our own agendas to become rich or “successful”? What have we come to?
Cheating, boasting, insulting, harassing and molesting women, or denying them their rights, is not in accordance with ANY religion. As far as I know, no generally recognized religion promotes hatred and prejudice. Religion is supposed to make you a better person. Let’s think deeply about ourselves. Does it?
It comes down to choosing wisely. To moral standards. To personal values. To good character. Stay away from egotistical, self-serving leaders who exude hatred, vulgarity and prejudice! They serve themselves, not you.
I hope people choose good, not evil. Love, not hate. Everyone, not self. Class, not crass.
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